Recently a colleague sent me a BLTouch / 3DTouch sensor from the Geeetech brand. I usually use optical infrared sensors for my printers, but I wanted to try the BLTouch sensors since none had fallen yet by my hands. So I got down to work for Configure BLTouch with BabyStepping in the last Marlin available today and satiate my curiosity. ...

Today in we bring you a very interesting article on how to make a 3D Printed Column Drill for Dremel Tool, which can be very useful if you usually design homemade electronic boards for your projects. Probably you have already tried to make holes in electronic boards on some occasion using a normal drill, and seeing how they inexorably ...

If you are electronic or electronic hobbyist in general, you have probably used testing boards (or probing JICs) on occasion. These are often used to verify electronic boards or directly program them. There are countless of them, from manual to fully automatic and you can easily buy them in countless online stores. However, our colleague Giuseppe Finizia decided one day ...

Checking the status of your 3D printer is something more than recommended if you usually spend a lot of time printing parts. So in 3DWork today we want to show you a curious way of Monitor your 3D printer with an OLED display, Wemos D1 and Octoprint. If you are a regular on our blog and took a look at ...

Introduction to Warping Warping is one of the biggest problems, and probably challenges, that any Maker has to face when manufacturing or printing parts with their 3D printer. Its meaning comes from the English homonym “Warping” and means buckling or distortion of an element. Applied to the context of 3D printing Warping would mean the deformation or contraction of it ...