With the increasing use of Klipper or Octoprint to provide our printers with new management functions, the use of SBCs such as Raspberry Pi affected the availability and price of this type of devices. Bigtreetech with its CB1 has managed to cover that space of lack of devices. Using its CB1 modules in different products such as its Manta series of electronics, Pad of all-in-one screens ...
As many of you know, BigTreeTech (BIQU) is the manufacturer of one of the most widespread electronics on the market, the famous SKR v1.4 / SKR v1.4 Turbo, of which we wrote an extensive article ago some time: Complete guide SKR v1.4 / v1.4 Turbo with TMC2209 drivers and Sensorless. Now BigTreeTech has launched a new revision of these electronics, ...
The company BigTreeTech, known for its famous SKR boards, has just launched another additional electronics for all the Ender 3 printers available on the market. These new electronic boards have the designation BIGTREETECH E3 RRF V1.1, and bring with them some improvements compared to other similar products. In today’s article I will try to expose some of the characteristics of ...
For some time now the SKR series from BigTreeTech have become a benchmark in the sector when we talk about electronic boards for 3D printing. The latest models SKR v1.4 and SKR v1.4 Turbo they have become extremely popular and it is not surprising to see them as standard in new releases of 3D printers that hit the market. However, ...
One of the most important manufacturers of electronics for 3D printing, specifically the company BigTreeTech , surprised us some time ago with a specific electronic board for the massive community of Ender 3 printer users. The name of this board was the SKR MINI E3 BTT and it was launched on the market in its initial version V1.2. This one ...