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Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra 16K : Review

A few months ago, we presented the new Saturn 4 series from Elegoo, an important change in different aspects about the Saturn 3. Today we bring you the new Saturn 4 Ultra 16K, a new version with interesting improvements that we will detail during this review.

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In addition to reviewing this new Elegoo printer, we are going to show you the new Elegoo Mercury Plus v3.0 cleaning scation that will undoubtedly allow us to post-process our prints in a safe, fast way and with perfect finishes.

As always before continuing with the article, remind you that you can join 3DWork on our Telegram channel full of 3D printing deranged, or on our social networks FacebookTwitterInstagram and YouTube.

We also recommend the Telegram channel of Elegoo Spain where normally together with other colleagues we help and share experiences with these printers.

Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra 16K

Elegoo is a benchmark in both FDM (filament) and SLA (resin) 3D printing, this Saturn 4 Ultra 16K introduces some interesting improvements over the Saturn 4 Ultra 12K by improving some aspects of it. 
In the following video from Elegoo we can see a summary/introduction to this Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra 16K:

In terms of external finishes and designs, the Saturn 4 Ultra 16K is practically identical to its smaller sister with the distinctive 16K screen printing on its folding bell, which we take the opportunity to say that this type of bell seems to us the most comfortable for this type of printer.

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On the optical side is where we will find big changes between the different versions of Saturn 4, and even with the previous generation, where we have a 10″ monochrome screen with a 16K high contrast resolution, which gives us an XY resolution of 14×19μm (15120×6230) and a UV source with COB + Fresnel lens that will improve the uniformity of the beam and precision of this.

Speaking of the UV optical system, another improvement that we see in this Saturn 4 Ultra 16k is that the light power has been increased from 4 mW/cm² to 5 mW/cm², a 25% improvement, which will allow faster curing, thus reducing printing times.

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If with the previous generation we could already have a medium format printer with incredible definition, this Saturn 4 Ultra 16K improves this aspect even more.

It is important to emphasize that to obtain this maximum definition it is not usually enough to have a machine like this but that our objects to be printed, resin, slicer settings and printing conditions are optimal.

Linking to the previous comment we introduce another of the great improvements that we can find in the Saturn 4 Ultra 16K… Your heating system for the resin tank.

Elegoo, although it has accessories to perform this function in other models, has implemented this new heating functionality with an intelligent system integrated into the resin tank.

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When we enable this option, the Saturn 4 Ultra 16K will intelligently maintain the temperature at 30ºC throughout the printing process, ensuring great fluidity and adhesion of the resin.

This will drastically reduce defects such as layer separation or bubbles, providing a better ratio of satisfactory prints and optimal quality.

Another improvement introduced in this Saturn 4 Ultra 16K is related to its “AI” camera, now to improve its operation we have an LED to illuminate the printing area. Some of the functionalities that this camera allows us are:

  • Detection of errors in real time during our printing, such as our part not being printed correctly, the pieces not adhering partially or completely to the platform or them coming off.
  • Having a camera will allow us to monitor our print in real time and, on the other hand, to be able to make time-lapse videos of our prints.
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The Saturn 4 Ultra, which we also show you on the Saturn 4 Ultra 12K and Mars 5 Ultrais its Tilt mechanical system.

This mechanical system allows the screen/VAT assembly to be “balanced” and synchronized with the movement of the Z axis to “peel off” the model from the film/VAT in a fast way… thus reducing the tensions generated during the process.

In the following animation you will probably see the process more clearly in a visual way.

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This Tilt system will allow us maximum speeds of up to 150 mm/H and 5.5 s per layer (counting the total processing time of this) with the use of an nFEP/PFA film without needing the controversial and expensive ACF commonly used lately.

The benefits of the system are going to be very fast prints without compromising detail, definition, accuracy or reliability in our prints.

Another benefit of this system is that the user forgets about a set of settings such as distances or speeds in the retracting/lifting movements, substantially simplifying the configuration.

Another of the main novelties introduced in this Saturn 4 Series series is its “automatic leveling” system and we indicate it in quotation marks because it can be something that leads to confusion as to how it really works.

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The Saturn 4 Ultra 16K has a mechanical intelligent sensor that will detect when the platform comes into contact with the base. In this way we avoid the tedious and manual Z=0 adjustment system.

On the other hand, the printing platform, which is level and adjusted from the factory, still has mechanical adjustment screws that we must continue to use in case of adhesion problems, it has a spring system that allows us to have certain degrees of misalignment without significantly affecting our prints.

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In this Saturn 4 Ultra 16K we could not miss the intelligent options that we already saw in the latest Elegoo models and that will improve the use and reliability of the printer.

  • High temperature protection, the system’s set of sensors and temperature monitoring will allow the machine to be stopped safely if it reaches 80ºC and to resume the process when the temperature is safe again.
  • Recovery from power failures, we will have the option to resume a print in the event that we have a power failure… although it is a functionality that is not always perfect.
  • Self-Check, are a series of checks that the machine itself performs when starting or starting a print to ensure that everything is working correctly.
  • Speed modes, we have the option of being able to switch between fast or normal mode before or during printing, with the time per layer being about 5.5s in fast mode and approximately 8s in normal mode.

In the usability section of the machine we have solutions similar to those already seen in its smaller sisters that in some cases have been improved:

  • Printing platform now includes a new system to improve grip that together with the quick fixing system it carries make it very comfortable to use.
  • Resin Tank (VAT) has several improvements, the new heating system together with an improvement in the anchoring/fixing and its design with two zones for the emptying of resin that improve the process.
  • The system that we already saw in previous models, the folding enclosure/hood system. A robust, comfortable system and depending on where we place our machine allows us to save some space.
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Finally, we will remind you of another series of features that we have in this Saturn 4 Ultra 16K:

  • We will be able to manage our printer farm thanks to the network connection functions and in a perfect simple way if we work on production projects.
  • Powerful Linux-based system with features such as 8Gb local storage, an improved interface, OTA updates, support for 12 languages.
  • Zone exposure control function, which is extremely useful for multi-exposure testing.
  • Print speed choice system, with a fast mode of 8s per layer and a fast mode of approximately 5.5s.
  • Printing platform with laser engraved surface, improves the adhesion of the resin reducing the possibility of failure of our prints.
  • PFA as a film, this type of film has a perfect balance between light transfer, definition, and reduces the stress of the cured resin during printing.
  • H9 protector on the screen, protects it from scratches or damage that may cause damage to this component.
  • Opening for air filtration, compatible with Elegoo’s Mars Mate filtration system that will allow a significant reduction in odor and up to 95% efficiency filtering TVOC.
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The support from slicers for this Saturn 4 Ultra 16K is very wide. Lychee and Chitubox have been added the new Elegoo slicer… Elegoo SatelLite which we leave you an introductory video as it has many interesting functions and works very well to be in its first versions:

To make it easier for you to compare the different versions of Saturn 4 you have all the data in the following table, where we have highlighted the most notable differences between the different versions:

Saturn 4 Ultra 16KSaturn 4 Ultra 12KSaturn 4
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Build Volume211.68 × 118.37 × 220 mm211.68 × 118.37 × 220 mm211.68 × 118.37 × 220 mm
Printing Speed150 mm/h Max Speed
Fast/Slow Modes
150 mm/h Max Speed
Fast/Slow Modes
70 mm/h Max Speed
Layer Thickness0.01- 0.2 mm0.01- 0.2 mm0.01- 0.2 mm
XY Resolution14×19 μm (15120 × 6230)19×24 μm (11520×5120)19×24 μm (11520×5120)
Z-Axis Accuracy0.02 mm0.02 mm0.02 mm
Light SourceCOB light source + Fresnel collimating lensCOB light source + Fresnel collimating lensCOB light source + Fresnel collimating lens
LCD Screen Size10-Inch 16K Mono LCD10-Inch 12K Mono LCD10-Inch 12K Mono LCD
LCD Screen Protector9H hardness tempered glass9H hardness tempered glass9H hardness tempered glass
Connection MethodUSB offline printing & WiFiUSB offline printing & WiFiUSB offline printing
OS SystemEL3D-4.0EL3D-4.0EL3D-3.0.1
Slicers (at launch)SatelLite & ChituboxSatelLite & ChituboxSatelLite & Chitubox
Operating Screen4.0-inch Capacitive Touch Screen4.0-inch Capacitive Touch Screen3.5-inch Resistive Touch Screen
Air PurifierUSB connection unavailable, compatible with Mars Mate air purifierUSB connection unavailable, compatible with Mars Mate air purifierUSB connection unavailable, compatible with Mars Mate air purifier
Other FunctionsTilt Release Technology, One-Click Automatic Leveling, Self-Check & Overheat Protection, AI Camera (Empty Build Plate Detection/Warp Detection/Real-Time Monitoring & Time-Lapse Recording), Smart Mechanical Sensor (Resin Shortage Alarm/Residue Detection Alarm/Leveling Failure Alarm), Power-Loss Resume PrintingTilt Release Technology, One-Click Automatic Leveling, Self-Check & Overheat Protection, AI Camera (Empty Build Plate Detection/Warp Detection/Real-Time Monitoring & Time-Lapse Recording), Smart Mechanical Sensor (Resin Shortage Alarm/Residue Detection Alarm/Leveling Failure Alarm), Power-Loss Resume PrintingOne-Click Automatic Leveling, Self-Check & Overheat Protection, Smart Mechanical Sensor (Resin Shortage Alarm/Residue Detection Alarm/Leveling Failure Alarm)
Dimensions327.4 x 329.2 x 548 mm327.4 x 329.2 x 548 mm327.4 x 329.2 x 548 mm
Net Weight16.1 kg14.5 kg13.5 kg
Gross Weight18.7 kg19.3 kg18.3 kg

And as a summary we provide you with a summary of all the most important features of this Saturn 4 Ultra 16K

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Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra 16K – Unboxing

Once the review of all the features of this Saturn 4 Ultra 16K is finished, it is time to start it, as is usual in this type of machine, a fairly simple process… for which we advise you to carefully follow the instructions in the user manual included in the kit.

As a first step we will remove the printer from the packaging and we will remove all the protections, inside these we will find the printing platform and a box with spare parts, accessories and tools:

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The box containing the kit includes everything necessary for commissioning, maintenance and accessories
In the following list you have the content of it:

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Once we have verified all the components included in the kit, we will use the included tools to disassemble the resin tank (VAT) by removing the two screws that it has as an anchor, which in the following steps we will replace with others included in the box and that have a grip to handle them directly by hand:

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Then we will remove the protection sheet that we have at the bottom of the resin tank (VAT) and on the screen of the printer, once we have it we will install the resin tank (VAT) in its location and with the anchor screws:

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We will remove the protective plastic from the printing platform and install it on the support by closing the anchoring system so that it is firmly anchored to the printer:

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We’re ready to plug in the power and start adjusting the Saturn 4 Ultra 16K!!!

When we turn on for the first time we will see the initial configuration wizard where we can select the language of the interface. connect to our WiFi network and at the end it will perform a test of the machine to ensure that everything works correctly:

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As we explained before, the Saturn 4 Ultra 16K, once connected to the internet, will notify us of new updates so it is likely and more than advisable that we make the update
Once applied, it will tell us that we have to turn off the printer and turn it back on so that the changes are applied correctly.

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We can also check if there are new firmware updates within the Settings/Version Upgrade/Check for updates menu.

We can also check if there are new firmware updates within the Settings/Version Upgrade/Check for updates menu.

Also within the tools menu we have the typical screen tests that we advise you to do, of course without having resin in the VAT/tank, to verify that the screen works correctly
In our case, we also took the opportunity to measure UV power.

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We have the printer ready to start the testing process and print!!!

Below you can see a video of Elegoo with the whole process:

Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra 16K – Tests and user experience

We will carefully fill the VAT/tank with resin where we have a MAX mark which we must not exceed, in the case of the Saturn 4 Ultra 16K remember to use the accessory to protect from splashes/spills it is important to also use it when removing our parts or in general when we handle the printer… 
It costs nothing and can prevent accidents.

Leveling the surface where we place our printer!!

In the case of resin printers where we use a liquid component to obtain our parts, it is extremely important that our printer is placed on a perfectly level surface.

Then we will use the included USB where we will find the typical Elegoo tower test to see that everything works correctly.

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It is important to emphasize that although these tests have values that usually work with practically any resin, they do not have to have a 100% chance that they will always be successful.

During printing and from the screen we have options to adjust some parameters such as base coat times, in case the test does not adhere correctly to the platform, or normal layer times in case the resin is special and requires adjustment.

Again we remind you of something that we already pointed out before, this machine does not have a self-leveling system but the platform is already leveled from the factory and through the internal system of the platform itself and the printer’s sensors we have a system that does not require making the Z=0 adjustment manually.

In the event that we have leveling problems, we have an assistant that will guide us during the manual leveling process of the platform:

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Once the test tower is printed, we will safely remove the platform, remember to use the accessory to avoid splashes, we will clean and cure the piece.


If you don’t know about resin printers, it is a technology that allows you to obtain incredible detail compared to other technologies such as filament extrusion.

On the other hand, remind you that the resins used by this type of printers are or can be potentially dangerous given their toxicity either in contact with the skin or eyes or the inhalation of the gases, so it is essential to take all the appropriate safety measures such as the use of masks for quality air filtration, gloves, goggles and work in well-ventilated rooms.

Finally, we would also like to remember that this type of technology requires post-processing of our parts, such as cleaning and curing them, and that we have to manage the waste generated by their use properly.

We remind you that in our guide to resin printers (SLA) you can find more details in terms of security as well as suggestions on how to perform the post-processing tasks of our figures

The next step we advise you is to carry out the exposure tests to adjust the times of our resin for our Elegoo Saturn 4.

First we will install the laminating software that we like the most, and that supports our Saturn 4 Ultra 16K, we suggest Lychee or Chitubox… in our case, if you follow us, we prefer the first one, which currently in the Beta version 7.2.x already has support for this printer, including remote management support, although for now more limited than the one that Chitubox has.

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Lychee should detect our printer automatically so that we can manage it remotely:

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Since we have an option within the screen options that will allow us to perform a test with multiple exposures.

Basically from our slicer we will place our favorite test by dividing the platform into 4/6/8 sections, placing copies of our test piece in each section… we will leave the default options and generate the laminate that we will copy to the USB.

From the printer we will go to the Tools/Resin Calibration menu and adjust the times for each quadrant and from the + icon we will select the test file previously generated and copied to USB.

Resin Calibration Time Settings

Remember that the times established for each quadrant of this test will always start with Zone 1 and decrease the exposure value in the following areas that we use.
For example, for an 8-zone test with a maximum exposure of 3.25s and with jumps of 0.25s:

ZonaExposure Tested Time
Zone 13.25s (higuer value)
Zone 23s
Zone 32.75s
Zone 42.5s
Zone 52.25s
Zone 62s
Zone 71.75s
Zone 81.5s

In the following view you can find how to identify each area from the slicer, in this example with Chitubox:

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Credits of our partner’s image FauxHammer
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Credits of our partner’s image FauxHammer
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Credits of our partner’s image FauxHammer
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Final result of our multi-exposure test, we are not a big fan of the cone test, but we take the opportunity to see the v3 of this one.

The importance of exposure tests!!

Correctly calibrating exposure time is a critical factor in ensuring that our parts print smoothly and with the highest quality. There are mainly, there are other values that are a little more advanced that we do not advise you to modify initially, twovery important values to take into account:

– Exposure time of first layers. These first layers are critical since they will withstand the tension of our part and its supports when carrying out the printing process. In this aspect it is important to:
– Number of first layers, a low value or a very high one can be counterproductive. Having a small number of first coats can make them not support, in this aspect it is advisable to have a number between 4 and 8 base coats.
– Exposure of first layers, also like the previous one, can affect the adhesion of our piece and cause the printing to fail. A short exposure can affect adhesion while a high exposure, apart from causing similar failures, will reduce the life time of our screen. Normally, as always depending on the printing and resin conditions we use, this exposure time is usually between 25 and 40 seconds.
– Exposure time of normal layers, if the previous layers were critical for the adhesion of our piece to the printing plate, in this case they are important to provide consistency to the piece as it is created and to obtain a good definition of details in our figures.

After all this explanation it is important that we invest a little of our time to find the exposure time of normal layers. To do this, we can use different types of tests that you can find in our SLA calibration guide.

Now that we have the optimal exposure time, and once this is set in our slicer (Lychee in our case), we can start printing our figures/objects.

Initially we do not advise you to make further adjustments to your laminator profile, in the case of being an advanced user and knowing the resin printers moderately you can try to adjust the speeds. Basically, these print speed adjustments will result in a reduction in printing time, between 5% and 20% depending on the settings.

In case you want to make these advanced settings, always try to make small changes to your settings and verify that they do not affect anything. Normally with very fast speeds it can affect the resin flow and affect the level of detail of our parts.

Another factor we can play with is antialiasing to disguise that staggered effect between layers. Personally, and considering the resolution/accuracy of the Saturn 4 Ultra 16K, use the minimum antialiasing value to keep the details as high as possible.

For example, in the case of the Saturn 4 Ultra 16K, taking into account its XY resolution of 14×19 μm, and although at 0.05 we will have excellent quality, the ideal layer height would be 0.02, although in practice below 0.03 it is difficult for us to notice differences… It is also important that changing this layer height will significantly increase our printing times, so we advise you to carry out tests on different layer heights to objectively assess the one that best suits you.

In any case, we advise you to check our SLA calibration guide for more detailed information on parameters, options and tricks with our printers.

In our case we always prefer to use Lychee as a rolling mill, we find it more agile in its workflow and available tools. 
Since we have the PRO version and we also have access to a library full of objects to print and with editable supports as well as great designers/artists with excellent designs.
If you need more information or help with it you can visit our Telegram group @LycheeSlicerES where we hope to create a good community of this fabulous slicer.

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In our tests we use Elegoo Standard resin in grey supplied in our test kit, we always like to mix in a proportion of 15-25% with a flexible resin or ABS.

The layer height used for the tests has been 0.05 mainly and the default parameters of the slicer, we always try to simulate a novice user when starting with this type of printers.

Therefore, the results obtained in our tests with a printer adjustment and calibration may be much higher than those presented below.

Once the first basic adjustments were finished, we started to print some projects for some colleagues and be able to see how this Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra 16K behaves.

The print volume of the Saturn 4 Ultra 16K seems to us, especially for its excellent resolution, the perfect size for this type of printer since we can carry out projects of all kinds from small scales to considerable scales.

For our tests we use both figures with supports included, of which we are not usually a special fan since they are not always optimized for the machine we use and if they do not include support for our laminator we will not be able to edit the supports, without making changes in addition to figures supported by us always trying to use the maximum print volume.

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Among the features of this Saturn 4 Ultra 16K we have remote management options that will allow us, from the Lychee or Chitubox slicer, to be able to follow the progress of our printing, warning messages or images of the print.

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This function is very convenient except that currently we can only access these images from the slicer, from our computer, and we do not have a mobile application from where we can monitor the machine comfortably from anywhere.

Continuing with the camera we can make time-lapses, in the Saturn 4 Ultra 16K we have an LED that we did not have in the previous model and that considerably improves the image quality and the final result of these.

In any case, and depending on the figure, they may not be of much help if we are looking for something “artistic” and perhaps more useful to help us detect printing problems.

The camera will also provide us with certain intelligent functions as we mentioned before… The problem is that it is not a system for this type of printer that ends up working other than because of the “marketing” of this one.

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Due to the location, how these printers work, it is impossible for the system to detect any problem until a certain printing time has passed and it is visible for capture by the camera. On the other hand, we only have one camera, so we will always have areas hidden from the shot on which it will be impossible for the system to detect anything.

With the Saturn 4 Ultra 16K in just under 4 hours thanks to its tilt system we can print projects that in other printers of previous generations take almost twice as long. The new Tilt system helps speed up printing, simplify laminator settings and obtain a higher % of prints without failure.

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Another feature that we find sensational that Elegoo is starting to integrate into its printers is the resin heating system. Especially useful to ensure that the resin is always at the optimal temperature and improve the print rate without problems.

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In this case, and very aptly on the part of Elegoo, the Saturn 4 Ultra 16K has a heating system integrated into the VAT and that through the two connections that we can see in the image above allow the system to be controlled. Based on heating belts that run internally throughout the resin tank that ensure precise, homogeneous and stable temperature control.

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When we have the temperature control option activated when starting a print, the process of heating the resin to 30ºC begins, in addition the platform makes movements inside the resin to improve the process and that will also allow the resin to be removed and that it is in optimal conditions.

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We have made different measurements during the process to ensure that the temperature of the tank was adequate and very stable throughout the printing.

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Unfortunately, and at the time of analyzing the machine, it does not have temperature control by the user, something that would be appropriate from our point of view.

How important is temperature control in resin printing?

If you follow us assiduously, you probably know that in each review we like to explain in detail peculiarities or aspects to take into account with what we analyze.
In this case we would like to delve a little deeper into the importance of printing conditions… specifically in this case about temperature.

Do we need to heat the resin for printing?

Our printers use a chemical reaction of the resins called photopolymerization which basically uses a UV light to solidify the resin.

This is where temperature, especially depending on its condition and quality, plays a fundamental role in making the resin more reactive and requires less energy to cure. This means:

  • higher temperature resin, within the manufacturer’s limits, will be more reactive
  • resin at lower temperature will be less reactive

Most resins work best above 25° and can fail if it is less than 20°.

Whether a resin is more or less reactive has an impact on whether the exposure time will decrease or increase respectively.

For example:

  • If at an ambient temperature it is about 22º we print perfectly at 3s exposure in base layers
  • In summer this temperature increases to about 30º and we will see that our prints appear over-exposed, it is an indicator that we will have to perform the exposure tests again to obtain a new optimal value… as an example at 2.5s
  • Winter arrives and we see that our prints begin to fail and many times no matter how much we adjust exposure times of base layers or normalmes, level, etc… nothing comes out… Try to check the printing temperature as it may surprise you.

What happens to the resin because of its temperature?

It’s pretty straightforward, the temperature also affects the viscosity of the resin.

  • higher temperature resin, less viscous
  • resin at lower temperatures, it will be more viscous

But how exactly can that viscosity affect the resin? After each layer the platform separates from the film/FEP and leaves a space which has to be occupied by the resin before the new layer begins:

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This is one of the reasons for a correct setting of the rest time, allowing the resin to be rearranged for the printing of a new layer.

In this case, with the Saturn 4 Ultra 16K in this aspect, due to its tilt/tilting system, the rest times are usually slightly higher than other printers, something that more than compensates on the other hand with the speeds/distances allowed by its mechanical system.

In the next step the platform lowers again leaving only a layer of resin of the value we use to laminate our part, normally 0.050, in the case that it is more viscous our printer will find it more difficult to push the resin and may require adjustments in the resting time.

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Resting times, as we explained in previous points, are very important and people do not pay attention to them and they will have a negative impact on the quality of our prints and sometimes even on the mechanics of our machine.

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So the best thing is low viscous resins?

It depends, it doesn’t always have to be the best, normally the viscosity of the resins excluding the effect of temperature is usually related to achieving a desired property:

  • Resins for high-resolution printers (8K, 12K, etc…) contain more light blockers and pigments to allow details to be highlighted
  • Engineered resins contain larger molecules and additives to make them, for example, harder, more resistant to temperature or other specific properties… In fact, some of these resins are especially viscous, even solid, that require a process to melt prior to printing
  • Resins for high-speed printers in this case to avoid the effects of resin filling between layers are usually very little viscous to allow more speed

I return to temperature… this must be constant at the optimal level for our case!!

To have good impressions, and not be affected by temperature, this temperature must be constant… If our temperature varies significantly between layers, we can see contrast between them, even if the adhesion between layers fails.

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Things to keep in mind to avoid temperature changes:

  • Do not open the dome/housing of your printer if it is not strictly necessary during a print, the ambient temperature is usually significantly different from the inside
  • If we add resin during a print, make sure that it is at a temperature similar to the printing temperature
  • If we use a heater, make sure that it has a thermostat and that it can maintain the target temperature at a constant level

Methods to heat your printer/resin, there are different solutions for it:

  • Using a printer with an integrated heater, for example this Saturn 4 Ultra 16K has a heating system integrated into the resin tank itself, one of the most reliable methods.
  • Use a heater, heat band, or thermal blanket to warm the print area… They currently sell different specific devices or that we can adapt and can be used to maintain the temperature during printing
  • Have an environment, either the room or a special enclosure, to maintain an adequate room temperature
  • Using a hair dryer to heat the print platform and/or the resin itself or immersing it in hot water can also give good results

Another feature that we have, and of which we are not particularly a fan anymore on this occasion, is the possibility of recovering a print when a power failure occurs.

In our case, we remember that our unit is a test unit, when trying to verify its operation it did not work as expected and crashed the platform and the printed on the screen… Luckily we are attentive to stop the machine in time and no damage was done. We take this opportunity to remember that this Saturn 4 Ultra 16K mounts a 9H protector on its screen.

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Regardless of the fact that this problem can be easily solved with a firmware update in the units of sale to users, normally resuming printing, apart from the risk of accident like the one we suffer, it usually leaves marks or printing failures so sometimes it is usually a better idea to reprint our project and always protect our machines with a UPS/UPS system.

Although the folding system of the dome seems to us the most comfortable for our use, the design of this without classic grip points sometimes makes it difficult to open in a simple way. Elegoo should improve in this aspect by adding some kind of slit or grip that is simpler and more precise.

In the same way during our tests, we again remind you that it is a test machine that is analyzed and this can receive changes when it reaches the users, we had some crashes during the prints and Elegoo once reported provided us with a new firmware with which we had no more problems. In our case, it seems that the system was a bit unstable when using the timelapse function and remote monitoring intensively.

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For the control of the printer we have a generous screen in portrait format with a friendly interface and full of options.
One of the aspects that we also recommend to Elegoo is the REC icon and that basically indicates that the camera is capturing images by the intelligent functions of detection of printing failures and does not have to refer to timelapses. We suggest that it would be great to indicate AI when only that function is running and REC when we use timelapses as well.

Below we show you some images as an example to see the quality and detail obtained with this Saturn 4 Ultra 16K:

Surely you have noticed some lines or parts in different colors in some of the parts, this effect has been due to making resin changes during printing to see how the heating system behaved to maintain temperature and we used resins of different shades to be able to clearly see the beginning of this test.

Elegoo Mercury Plus v3.0

Before we wrap up the Saturn 4 Ultra 16K review, we’d like to pause to introduce you to Elegoo’s new cleaning station… the Elegoo Mercury Plus v3.0.

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One of the most important steps in resin printing is the post-processing that we will have to apply to our prints once the printing is finished and doing it correctly will directly affect the final quality of our prints.

In addition to being a critical point in terms of safety as resin and other components have to be handled almost directly. That is why we advise to be very strict with safety at this point such as carrying out this process in well-ventilated areas or assisted by air extraction/purification, always use protective gloves/masks/goggles in addition to being very careful with the cleanliness and order of the work area away from minors or animals.

This is where the Elegoo Mercury Plus V3.0 comes in, which as we have already mentioned, will significantly reduce the exposure and handling of products during the process… in addition to performing a perfect post-processing.

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Con respecto a sus funcionalidades:

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Thanks to its high-speed spinning system, we will clean our objects of resin residues quickly and efficiently.

We have two ways to clean our parts, either directly by inserting them into the cleaning basket or directly from the printing platform, specially designed for the use of the Saturn 4 Series.

We will also have a cleaning volume of up to 7.5 liters on the Mercury v2.0.

In the curing section we have a powerful system of 24 powerful 40nm UV LEDs that together with its rotating base will allow a quick and homogeneous curing of 360º.

If we compare again with the previous version, the Mercury v2.0, the curing volume has been increased by 460%.

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Highlight the easy-to-access and easy-to-use control functions that allow us to choose between cleaning and curing with programs of up to 30 minutes duration.

Finally, we have an anti-UV cover that allows us to block 99.9% of ultraviolet rays to protect our eyes and its integrated safety system that will stop any operation if we open the cover.

Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra 16K – 3Dwork Review

We’ve now reached the end of this review, it’s time to sum up our experience with this Saturn 4 Ultra 16K, a machine that we’ve loved as much as its younger sister did.

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The new 16K LCD panel with an improved resolution as well as an increase in the UV system make it a printer that, in addition to its print volume, makes it perfect for projects where we are looking for a high level of detail in addition to print volume… either for making medium-sized parts or for production.

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In any case, to obtain a clearly visible quality change on 12K models we have to use a good resin, optimize the settings to the maximum and have objects that allow that level of detail to be highlighted… something that is not always easy.

The other great novelty is the integration of the heater in the resin tank, without external components, mechanics, or possible vibrations that could affect or complicate the use of the printer.
With this system we will keep our resin at an optimal temperature of 30ºC from the first moment of our prints.
In this respect we would love to be able to manage this temperature by the user to be able to adapt it to specific cases.

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Also noteworthy is the improvement in the grip system of the printing platform that facilitates its manipulation, making it more comfortable than the previous version.

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Finally, the inclusion of an LED for the illumination of the printing area seems to us a good improvement, either to be able to review our prints visually directly without the need to open the dome or to improve the use of the integrated camera.

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If this Saturn 4 Ultra 16K should be the model launched instead of the 12K version since it brings a significant and differentiating change in certain aspects that are very important for many users such as the resolution, the heating system and the camera system reinforced with an integrated LED for lighting.

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In this aspect, from our point of view, perhaps Elegoo could have changed the name Ultra for another one like Pro to differentiate it from the Ultra model… and that users who recently bought the previous model did not see that in a few weeks/months there is a new model, feeling in many cases a little disappointed.

In the same way, Elegoo should, perhaps, offer users an upgrade kit or offer a machine change at a competitive price for those users who found themselves in this situation… In any case, the market for this type of printer does not stop and it is constant that new models appear, but perhaps not in such a short period of time.

That said… Is this Saturn 4 Ultra 16K really worth it? Yes and no… and the answer will depend on different scenarios and needs… if it is our first machine, in this case emphatically if it is the top of the range…. I have a Saturn 4 Ultra 12K, there the answer for me will depend on whether the heating system is important to us because if it is I would opt for this model or if we are looking for the highest definition in our parts thanks to the better resolution of this.

¿Dónde comprar la Saturn 4 Ultra 16K?

Elegoo has the Saturn 4 Ultra 16K in its online store where you can directly buy the printer, accessories, spare parts and consumables… although they are currently still on pre-order but they are already shipping the units as soon as they have them available.

In any case, we provide you with some links to their and other reference stores:

Saturn 4 Ultra 16K
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Mercury Plus v3.0
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Mars Mate Air Purifier3DWork - Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra 16K : Review - spaces%2F4SOiUz9PiuHFIwg2qk03%2Fuploads%2F8ec1WASuhJ3m09je3gqZ%2Fimage - Articles, Electronic boards3DWork - Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra 16K : Review - - Articles, Electronic boards3DWork - Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra 16K : Review - image 73 - Articles, Electronic boards3DWork - Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra 16K : Review - image?url=https%3A%2F%2F3760761605 files.gitbook.io%2F%7E%2Ffiles%2Fv0%2Fb%2Fgitbook x prod.appspot.com%2Fo%2Fspaces%252F4SOiUz9PiuHFIwg2qk03%252Fuploads%252F7zN4QY0tuQKU5DJgrM0F%252Fimage - Articles, Electronic boards


This review of the Saturn 4 Ultra 16K has been made with a machine provided by Elegoo.

Elegoo provided us with this printer without influencing the content in any way. Our evaluation and observations are entirely based on our experience during the tests carried out with it during the testing period used to ensure that we provide an accurate evaluation, in our opinion, of the product.

At 3Dwork, we are always transparent and honest in our product reviews to ensure that our audience can trust the content we produce.

AI-Optimized Summary

This article provides a comprehensive review of the Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra 16K, a high-resolution resin 3D printer designed for professionals and enthusiasts. It covers key aspects such as:
– Print Quality & Resolution: Evaluation of the 16K LCD screen, layer accuracy, and overall surface finish.
– Speed & Performance: Analysis of print speeds, MSLA technology improvements, and exposure times.
– Build & Design: A look at the printer’s construction, build volume (218.88 × 122.88 × 220 mm), and durability.
– Resin Compatibility: Supported materials, recommended resins, and compatibility with third-party options.
– Software & Connectivity: Review of Chitubox, Voxeldance Tango, and firmware capabilities, plus Wi-Fi/USB support.
– Ease of Use & Calibration: Step-by-step setup, bed leveling process, and user experience.
– Comparison with Other Models: Performance comparisons with Elegoo Saturn 3, Anycubic Photon M5, and similar printers.
Pros & Cons: A balanced list of advantages and drawbacks to help users make an informed decision.
Real-World Testing: Actual print results, test models, and benchmarking of layer consistency and exposure accuracy.
This detailed review is ideal for makers, hobbyists, and professionals looking for an in-depth breakdown of the Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra 16K before purchasing.

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