When we start working with a new brand we always have that point of doubts and expectations, in this case UniFormation has pleasantly surprised us in all aspects. If you have some experience in the world of 3D printing, perhaps the UniFormation brand is not very well known. Founded in 2016 with the aim of manufacturing resin 3D printers with high quality and especially focused ...

The Elegoo Saturn 3 is a resin 3D printer with a large 12k screen. Print quality is incredibly sharp and detailed thanks to this screen, and the printer itself is very easy to use. The Saturn 3 is a huge upgrade to its previous model, the Elegoo Saturn 2, especially the Saturn 3 Ultra. La Saturn 3 es rápida y ...

Bigtreetech has released the new SKR 3 series with two versions that include many improvements and novelties that will surely allow us to squeeze our printers to the maximum. If you need more information or help do not hesitate to join the SKR @SKR_board_32bits Telegram group. We remind you that you have more help guides in our Telegram bot @ThreeDWorkHelpBot SKR 3 and SKR 3 EZ ...

A few months ago, Anycubic launched its Photon Ultra, the first accessible DLP printer that can be an alternative/improvement over the current MSLA. With the Photon D2 Anycubic has again done an excellent job improving the weak points that his Photon Ultra had making this Photon D2 a possible turning point in resin 3D printing. As always before continuing with the article remind you ...

Usually, when we analyze a printer or device, we try to be as impartial as possible, but on occasions like today, when we have to do it with a Ratrig V-Minion machine, the little heart pulls us a little. A few months ago we presented you the one that from our point of view and compared to other similar machines ...