3DWork - MKS TFT35 Display: Latest updates v106 and v107 available - robin4 - Articles, Electronic boards

MKS TFT35 Display: Latest updates v106 and v107 available

These days ago Makerbase has surprised us with two updates for its quite important MKS TFT35 v2.0 screens and it is worth noting.

If you are a user of this type of screens on your 3D printer, I recommend that you update to the latest firmware version available, in order to enjoy all the added improvements.

New firmware can be found as always available in your Github repository, ready to download. I leave you the direct link below:
https://github.com/makerbase-mks/MKS-TFT35-Firmware/tree/master/Release% 20files

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Updating our firmware

3DWork - MKS TFT35 Display: Latest updates v106 and v107 available - MKS TFT35 FirmwareUpdate - Articles, Electronic boardsThe installation process is very simple. You must download the firmware, unzip the ZIP file, for example on your desktop. You will see a specified folder “tft23_V1.0.7_English“, the folder contains 3 files and two directories (see photo).

Simply copy all of this content (including folders) to the root of your SDCard, present the card to your MKS TFT35 and do a reset.

The process will start automatically and in a few seconds the firmware will have been completely updated.


MKS-TFT35 Firmware V1.0.6

  • Added support for UPS power failure detection modules
  • Fixed bug that affected the preview of G-CODE files in the directory incorrectly
  • Fixed problem with abnormal WiFi transmissions and with file names and G-CODES in Chinese
  • Increased the length of WiFi passwords for greater security


MKS-TFT35 Firmware V1.0.7

  • Added new scanning mode for WiFi networks (nearby access points)
  • Added most of the parameters to the online configuration file
  • Added Marlin parameter setting. It is now possible to configure basic parameters such as TMC driver current, acceleration parameters, Z offset, etc.
  • Added new G-CODE console, this way you can send commands to the board directly from the display
  • Added “reminder” mode on the screen for functions that are not available



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