Revopoint POP 2 Scanner
Revopoint POP 2 Scanner

Revopoint POP2: Quality, affordable, high-accuracy 3D Scanning

In today’s article we are going to talk about an article a little different from what we are used to analyzing but directly related to the world of 3D printing, the scanner Revopoint Pop 2 (High precision).

And of course, from here we want to thank in advance to the Revopoint Pop 2 team for sending us a sample into our hands.

Many fellow makers are always attracted to these types of devices and the reality is that it is difficult to have a “decent” equipment that has an affordable price for small or amateur projects.

This is where Revopoint has done a great job, developing a product relatively easy to use, with extremely intuitive software and that offers us quite remarkable results.

Before continuing and getting into the flour, we encourage you as always to join our Telegram channel or to follow us on our social networks, where you will find more upset by 3D printing like us.

Revopoint 3D, Who are they?

Revopoint 3D is a company specialized in the design and production of high precision 3D scanners. It was founded in 2014 and is mainly made up of scientists, engineers, designers and programmers with extensive experience in the field of 3D.

The main objective of Revopoint with its POP range is to create a quality 3D scanner at a low cost and with easy use. In addition to being able to be used from computers or mobile devices making them more versatile.

You can find much more information about Revopoint 3D in its website.

Revopoint POP 2: Real precision up to 0.05mm

The Revopoint POP 2 3D scanner is a new revision of its first product, the Revopoint POP scanner. This new model has been considerably improved its precision, usability and reliability.

This will make it easier for us to capture our 3D models for printing, design, 3D virtual reality or any other task you need.

Here is a very interesting promotional video about POP2 where you can see some of its main features.

Where to buy the Revopoint POP 2 scanner

Here you can find links to some marketplaces where you can buy the Revopoint POP2. As always, it is our duty to inform you that they are affiliate links.

If you use them, the price of the product will be the same as if you access it regularly, but 3DWork will have a small commission that will help maintain the website. You can also purchase the Revopoint POP 2 from their official website.

Revopoint POP 2 Standard3DWork - Revopoint POP2: Quality, affordable, high-accuracy 3D Scanning - aliexpress logo - Articles, Electronic boards3DWork - Revopoint POP2: Quality, affordable, high-accuracy 3D Scanning - markets e1632995005390 - Articles, Electronic boards
Revopoint POP 2 Premium3DWork - Revopoint POP2: Quality, affordable, high-accuracy 3D Scanning - aliexpress logo - Articles, Electronic boards3DWork - Revopoint POP2: Quality, affordable, high-accuracy 3D Scanning - markets e1632995005390 - Articles, Electronic boards

You can also use our specific search engine for 3D printing products called This way you will literally search different online marketplaces in one click (Amazon, Gearbest, Aliexpress, etc.) and it will show you the results in one search.

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Main Features

As we always do, here is a summary of the most important technical specifications of the Revopoint POP 2 scanner:

ModelPOP 2
Technology Dual camera with infrared
CPUDual core ARM Cortex-A7
Capture accuracyUp to 0.05mm
Capture size210mm x 130mm
Working distance150 ~ 400 mm
Minimum scannable size20×20×20 ( mm)
Scan speedUp to 10 fps
Light source1 class infrared Laser 1
Capture alignmentBrands and colors
Generated formatPLY, OBJ, STL
Texture scanningYes
Notes on special partsTo scan transparent or high-gloss pieces it is advisable to use 3d chalk spray.
Dimensions154.6 x 38.2x 25.6 (mm)
Scanning EquipmentWindows 8\10, 64-bit, Android, iOS, MAC
Wi-Fi & ; Bluetooth2.4GHz
ConnectionMicro USB

Currently there are two versions of this product for sale, the standard POP 2 version (cheaper) and the premium POP 2 version.

In our case, we carried out the tests with the POP 2 Premium version, which has an exclusive briefcase and all the necessary accessories to start scanning our pieces from the first minute.

Revopoint POP 2 Scanner
Revopoint POP 2 Scanner

Within the content of the Premium package we can find:

  • Revopoint POP 2… obviously 😀
  • A tripod
  • Scanning base (batteries or USB battery)
  • USB battery to power our POP2 or the turntable
  • Mobile phone holder
  • Different bases with markers and labels
  • Wiring required
  • Owner’s manual use
  • Test figure
  • Transport bag
Revopoint POP 2 Scanner

In case you want to see the differences between the Standard and Premium packages, we leave you this official image taken from their website where you can find the additional accessories of the premium package.

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Detail and precision

The Revopoint POP 2 scanner is equipped with high-resolution IR cameras, as well as an improved high-precision calibration system with a resolution of up to 0.05 mm using an infrared pattern.

This directly allows us to capture models with a lot of detail in 3D and offers us better dimensional accuracy.

In addition, as an additional function, the scanner has an RGB camera that allows us to capture details of textures in our models to be processed, something quite interesting and that more than one will like.

3DWork - Revopoint POP2: Quality, affordable, high-accuracy 3D Scanning - Revopoint POP 2 how it works - Articles, Electronic boards

Scanning technology

Revopoint has considerably improved the hardware of this POP 2 with respect to its first version of the product, and allows it to reach a scan of 10 frames per second.

At the same time and thanks to its gyroscope, spatial accuracy is considerably improved. This directly reduces possible errors that may appear and makes scanning a simpler and faster process, something that is always appreciated.

The use of the gyroscope also allows us to be able to use the Revopoint POP 2 in motion by means of our hand or simply use the rotating accessory and its tripod in a static position, as you can see in the following photo.

3DWork - Revopoint POP2: Quality, affordable, high-accuracy 3D Scanning - image - Articles, Electronic boards

Thanks also to its RGB sensor, they allow us to obtain models with textures that we can use directly in virtual reality applications.

Size and weight of the POP 2 scanner

Certainly, we are used to 3D scanners being heavy, requiring lots of cables and consuming a lot of power. Something that directly (and negatively) influences its usability.

The POP 2 has a very compact design (which makes it very portable), and it also does not need a power supply since it can be connected directly to the device via USB for its correct power supply or use an external USB-type battery.

And we are not going to deny it, it is an excellent (and unexpected detail) that a 4000 milliamp (mA) battery is included in the Premium package for later use.

With a weight of 192g and an excellent carry bag to carry all your accessories there is no excuse not to use it anywhere you want.

Performance and usability

We would like to point out that although the POP 2 scanner has not been designed for extremely professional use and has certain obvious limitations, we must point out that we were pleasantly surprised.

All this after the learning curve and tips that we have learned and the quality that we have been able to obtain with it in our tests and scans.

Revopoint has done an excellent job in the software part, since we have different applications to scan or repair compatible with practically any device whether it is Windows, Mac, iOS or Android.

In our case we have obtained better results using the Android application than from the laptop when carrying out our tests. On the other hand, the generated files can be used in practically most 3D applications on the market.

It should be noted that it is important that our pieces are matte and avoid transparent pieces or pieces with a lot of shine, although in the latter cases there are special 3D sprays that help eliminate these problems.

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We have also had better results with small pieces between 10-15cm and that the use of the rotating base with its bases with markers help to improve the result a lot.

As always, we advise you to check the Revopoint YouTube account where you can find numerous help videos that will help you in the process of scanning your pieces.

3D Scanned Models (Sketchfab)

3DWork - Revopoint POP2: Quality, affordable, high-accuracy 3D Scanning - revopoint models - Articles, Electronic boards

And how could it be otherwise, Revopoint puts a multitude of scanned models on the Sketchfab platform to show users how both scanners, the Revopoint POP and the REvopoint POP2, work.

At a glance you can assess the scans of their products, as well as the “textures” function, which uses an RGB camera to apply color to our pieces. You can access your account at the following link:

Revopoint 3D Models: /Revopoint3d/models

And that’s it, we wish the article Revopoint POP2: Quality, affordable, high-accuracy 3D Scanning  be useful to you.

Don’t hesitate to read other interesting articles that you can find on our website:

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